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Supporting the Arts

So I'm having an art show later this month (the 19th). I figured their'd never be a 'good' time, or a time when i'm not busy, so I made arrangements, like, two months ago. Now I'm busy as hell, driving back and forth across the city, going to meetings, starting early and working late. I have a good body of work that I've been working on for over a year, but there's a couple of things I'm trying to finish up that feel too important to omit.

So, something I've been thinking about even before this show was scheduled: What does supporting the arts actually mean?

I honestly think, if you asked just about anyone, "do you support local art?", they'd probably say yes. But do they have local artists work in their home, or go to the theatre? ...probably not...

What I'm getting at, is money, cold hard cash. Artists have overhead, arts organizations have overhead, and they need support.

So why should someone support local art?

...that's a tough question to answer...

Asking to put a tangible value on something that's totally subjective. So rather than try to convince someone why they should have a particular piece in their home. Instead I will make this bold claim:

Out there somewhere is a piece of art that will amaze you. It will speak to something deep down inside you. And it will move you in a way you never thought possible. All you have to do is find it.

Our local arts community is a deep, vast ocean that holds wonder and amazement in it's depths, if one takes the time to explore it.

Like the first rule of street photography "Be there".

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